JIRA: Workflow transition rules vs. workflow-triggered automation rules

Jira now provides a powerful way to build automated process flows using Automation rules. These rules can be triggered in different ways; one such way is when an issue is transitioned. However, automation rules are not the only thing that can be triggered on an issue transition, Jira Workflows have Post functions that trigger when an issue transitions from one state to another. So what is the order of execution in that case?

The post functions always contain a “Fire a Generic Event event” function or similar which Automation rules can listen for, but regardless of where in the order of post functions the event is fired, the automation rules are always executed after the post functions have been executed. This I learned while discussing the Automation rule behaviour in the Jira support forums, specifically all the post-functions in a transition are executed as an atomic transaction.

On reflection this is not so strange, triggering and listening for events is an asynchronous process, meaning that the process triggering the event will not wait for the listener (or listeners) to act. And if the post functions were not executed as an atomic transaction, then there would be a risk that an automation rule could trigger at some arbitrary point during the execution of the post functions, creating a race condition with undesirable consequences.

Managing sub-tasks on a Jira Kanban board

The Kanban board is used to visualise the team’s work. This is usually a mix of Bugs, Tasks and Stories. Good stories should follow the INVEST criteria. If the team are using Jira, then it also allows them to create sub-tasks for Tasks and Stories. Sub-tasks are a useful way for the developers to create a “Todo” list for the implementation, e.g. “setup database”, “create service”, etc. without exposing the gory details to the rest of team.

Whenever the team is looking at the flow of value across the board, these implementation details are usually not interesting, and that is why sub-tasks are usually not shown on the board. However, when a developer is discussing their current progress (e.g. during standups), this information can be a useful recall aid. This is especially true if the team are creating vertical stories which usually requires multiple developers (front-end and back-end) to work on the, and therefore the story cannot (should not) be assigned to any one person. Instead, it is the sub-tasks that provide context.

A Jira Kanban board can also be filtered per user; so if sub-tasks are shown on the board, then the team can apply the user filter to quickly see the sum of what any one developer is working on: sub-tasks, tasks, stories, etc.

Displaying sub-tasks on the board is easy to configure, but there are some other changes that the team might need to make as well. For instance, how to hide “Done” sub-tasks without hiding stories that are due for release. I will cover each of these in the following sections.

Displaying sub-tasks

Every Kanban has a Filter Query that controls which issues are displayed. If only certain issue types are displayed, then the filter must be updated to also include sub-tasks. In that case, go to the Board settings, General and edit the Filter Query to include “All Sub-Task Issue Types”. For example:

project = "ACME" AND issuetype in (subTaskIssueTypes(), Story) ORDER BY Rank ASC

If the sub-tasks are using a different workflow, then it is presumably a simpler workflow than the Stories they are a part of. Just make sure that any unique sub-task workflow states are added to the board columns. This can be configured under Board settings, Columns.

Immediately, the team will be able to see all sub-tasks on the board and can filter them per user by clicking on the avatars at the top of the board. The next step is to create a toggle to hide/unhide sub-tasks.

Toggling sub-task display

Displaying sub-tasks inevitably leads to a lot of clutter on the board. It is also important that the team can maintain focus on the flow of Stories and not just sub-tasks. To facilitate this the team want to be able to hide sub-tasks at will.

Under Board Settings, Quick Filters create a new filter called “No Sub-Tasks” and set the query to be

issuetype not in subTaskIssueTypes()

This Quick Filter will appear at the top of the Kanban Board and when pressed will hide temporarily hide all sub-tasks, making the board appear as it was before sub-tasks were added.

Definition of Done

Sub-tasks should have a simple lifecycle. The developer who performs the sub-task is responsible for its testing and integration into the feature branch. Only when all sub-tasks in the Story are completed can the acceptance criteria for the Story be tested. However, the sub-tasks will linger on in the the Done column forever unless they are explicitly removed.

Jira Kanban boards provide a “Kanban board sub-filter” for hiding issues that are part of a release (by setting the “Fix version”). However, it is not desirable to make sub-tasks part of a release; other options exist. Here is a summary of all of the alternatives:

  1. Include the sub-tasks in the Release. This unfortunately pollutes the list of Stories included in the Release, and makes the Release notes unusable.
  2. Build an Automation to create a dummy release just for sub-tasks, that is scheduled to run, say, every week. This is a reasonable workaround, but pollutes the release history and (perhaps not so important) puts the stories and sub-tasks in different releases.
  3. Use the “Hide completed issues older than” option under Board Settings, General. This is a blunt instrument; the problem is that it makes no distinction between Stories and sub-tasks and could end up hiding Stories that are Done but delayed for release.
  4. Adjust the board Filter Query to exclude sub-tasks after time elapsed (e.g. 1 week). This is the least invasive way to effect what is essentially a visual change needed to control what issues are displayed on the board.

I recommend the fourth option; it is easy to set up and modify and does not impact any other aspects of the issue lifecycle, such as Fix versions. To do this, the Filter Query can be modified to not show older sub-tasks; in this example 1 week:

project = "Acme" AND (issuetype in (subTaskIssueTypes(), Story) OR (issuetype in subTaskIssueTypes() AND (status != Done OR resolved >= -1w))) ORDER BY Rank ASC


Displaying sub-tasks on the team Kanban board allows the team to see in one place exactly all the issues the developers are working on. The new “No Sub-Tasks” Quick Filter allows the team to retain their existing overview of Stories, Tasks and Bugs while allowing them to toggle the display of sub-tasks to support different conversations.

Improved sub-filter for Jira Kanban boards

If you are using releases and Kanban boards in Jira, then you will most likely have a problem with issues not showing on the Kanban board. Specifically, issues are hidden if that have been released but their status is something other than “Done”. This can easily happen as Jira does not check if all issues are done before executing the release. The problem is the Kanban board sub-filter:

fixVersion in unreleasedVersions() OR fixVersion is EMPTY

This means that if the release version of an issue is set then it will be hidden as soon as the release is made in Jira regardless of the issue’s status. From the team’s perspective this is probably perfectly fine, these issues were done in practice it was just that there status was incorrect in Jira. In the worst case real work is hidden. Another problem is that even if the work is done, leaving the issues open skews the data Jira relies for the various graphs and metrics that it provides, e.g. team velocity.

To fix this, what we want is to only hide issues that are released and have status “Done”. To do this we update the filter to:

(fixVersion in releasedVersions() AND status != Done) OR
fixVersion in unreleasedVersions() OR fixVersion is EMPTY

Now all issues are displayed until the team actually sets the status to “Done”, which is the more intuitive behaviour. And if the release has been made before the status is set to “Done” then the issue will disappear immediately from the Kanban board.

Expect that old issues will reappear on the board when the filter is applied, but this doesn’t take long to clean up. Alternatively the filter above can be used to search for these old issues and close them first, but it is probably easier and better to let the developers do it themselves.


JIRA Software Kanban board does not show all Issues.