Kanban continued

In an earlier post I showed how a team can get started with Kanban by visualising and organising their work using post-its, and concluded with a look at managing WIP (work-in-process). In this article I want to broaden the discussion to look at some of the other features of Kanban that can help the team manage their work.

WIP is a problem for most teams, especially when release cycles are long (1 month or longer), but there are other factors that can affect flow and that can also contribute to a lot of WIP.

Categorising work

The Kanban board represents what the team are expected to deliver; therefore the work must be well-defined with clear acceptance criteria (as distinct from the discovery phase where ideas are still being explored and the scope is unclear). There is usually a week’s worth (or a sprint’s worth) of tickets ready to be pulled from the “To do” column.

Something I encounter frequently in teams is where developers pre-assign tickets to themselves that they know they will work on, but haven’t started yet. When I asked why they do this I learned that they want to know what was in their pipeline, what was coming up next. So, assigning the issue to themselves was their way of labelling the issue as being part of their domain, e.g. web development, or back-end development.

We talked about other ways of tagging the issue; Jira provides the Components field and Labels field to help categorise issues, and on the Kanban board it is possible to create “Quick filters” that will filter on these fields. For instance, the front-end developers were able to create a filter to that only showed “web” components. This turned out to be a great idea, something the whole team could use to find certain types of work on the board.

Using filters in this way also has the advantage of highlighting all of the work related to a specific component or label. And whereas a ticket can only be assigned to one person, there can be many components and labels set on a ticket, allowing it to be filtered in different ways.

Categorising work on Kanban board

Identifying bottlenecks

Even if the team manage to get WIP under control, it will still happen that bottlenecks will occur. After all, every piece of software development is unique and will have its own unique challenges with delivering it.

As a coach, I can talk to the team about what appear to be bottlenecks in the flow – with Kanban the problem is there for all to see. If the bottleneck is in testing, the developers may not see it as their problem to solve, until I point out that continuing to build more stuff that needs to be tested just adds to the bottleneck, and they will be waiting that much longer for the code to reach production. This usually gets the team thinking.

There are two things the developers can do in this case, either help out with testing or, do some technical improvement that does not require QA resources. In the best case, the developers use their skills to help automate some of the testing, a win-win for the whole team.

Identifying bottlenecks on Kanban board

Flagging blockers

As I stated at the beginning, when a ticket is added to the board it should have a clear Definition of Done and clear acceptance criteria. But it will still happen that there is hidden complexity in the ticket and work on that ticket stops until the scope is clarified. What I see happen quite often is that the team moves stuck tickets to a separate “On hold/Blocked” column. This breaks the flow of work, now the team have to remember where the ticket was blocked, was it during development? Testing?

A better approach is to flag the ticket in the column where it is stuck. For instance, Jira provides a convenient “Add flag” option to highlight tickets that are stuck without changing its status. When the blockage is removed, the flag can be removed and work continues from where it left off. The ticket is also visually striking when is flagged, it demands attention, which it should.

Hidden complexity is just one reason why a ticket cannot move forward. There are other reasons, but they are all a result of the same thing: external dependencies. For instance, hidden complexity means going back to discovery with stakeholders, and stakeholders are not part of the team, they are an external dependency. This is not a bad thing, but it is important that the team understand their domain of control, and what can slow them down.

Flagging blockers on Kanban board

Understanding your domain of control

The essence of the Kanban board is that when a ticket is added to, the team can say “Yes, we can deliver that”. The work is clearly defined, but more importantly all the resources needed to deliver that piece of work are in the team: designers, developers, testers, devops, etc.

If that is not the case, then the team are relying on third parties (external to the team and/or external to the company) to get the feature into production. And every time the team need help from a third-party to move the ticket forward, they are essentially blocked because they have no control over the priorities a third-party has. So while some people work closely with the team, they are still not part of the team and so they block the team because they answer to another master with other priorities.

If a lot of tickets are being blocked, the tendency is to start working on something else, rather than solving the blockers, which just adds to WIP. Instead the team must relentlessly focus on removing the blockers, whether it means adding the necessary resources to the team, doing more in-depth discovery, or doing a more radical re-evaluation of the team purpose.

Managing risk

Finally, the Kanban board can be used to manage risk. In a nutshell, a lot of WIP means longer lead times, which increases the risk that priorities change before the feature is shipped, with the result that features are abandoned halfway through development which is an expensive way to run a business.

Regardless of what development process and release cycle the team uses, if there are a lot of tickets on the board it means that when something new is added, it will have to wait until all the work already on the board goes into production before it can be shipped.

Since the work on the board is supposed to be well-defined, it should be possible to make some ballpark estimate how long it will take to deliver everything on the board. Let’s say, your estimate is 3 months. Ask yourself, how confident are you that you will be able to deliver everything on the board before priorities change?

Relationships: a foundation for effecting change

Some friends and I were talking about how well-organised a company might be, things like a clear hierarchy, well-defined processes, job satisfaction and so on. One thing that struck me was that some companies succeed despite their poor organisation, for instance (de facto) monopolies, but also disruptive companies that use IT to rapidly transform an industry. These companies are able to make so much money that they can operate very inefficiently and still make a profit. Competition is what drives companies to be more efficient as customers can shop around for the best prices and so companies can be forced to streamline their organisations to stay profitable.

Lean production is one way to streamline an organisation and is a core concept in the Agile way of working. Lean is so critical to Agile because it provides the flexibility needed by software development companies to adapt products continuously, especially in today’s web- and app-based product landscape. The threshold for a product reaching the market is now lower than ever, but competition is also never far behind, so the company that can adapt the fastest and keep their customers happy will win.

The essence of Agile is captured in the Agile manifesto and its underlying principles, and there are many tools and techniques that can be applied to support an Agile way of working. Often though an Agile coach will focus entirely on the tools and techniques as this is a tangible, measurable way to see Agile in action. And if the team can see the benefits of working in an Agile way then they will continue to do so long after the Agile coach has gone. But, this is rarely the case. Why? To understand the problem, I return to the first statement in the manifesto:

Individuals and interactions over processes and tools

What I interpret this to mean is that it is paramount to build relationships with your stakeholders, your boss, your team and anyone else that can impact the success of your mission. This is good advice in any company, but it is absolutely essential for sustaining an Agile way of working in the long term. Let me explain why this is so.

Every software product is a one-off, unique, therefore the success of a product cannot be guaranteed in advance since it has never been built before. This is why iterative development and the resulting customer feedback are so important, so we can adapt the product to as we go, using customer happiness as a measure of success. What is often missed is that customer feedback may also be telling us that we need to adapt our organisation too.

Adapting the organisation is really about changing the processes used to create and deliver value. This kind of change will affect multiple teams or even departments and requires coordination across domains of responsibility. It is also not uncommon for these domains to be jealously guarded territorial domains. In traditional organisations that exercise a command and control management style, change can be effected by issuing the necessary directives, restructuring and retasking teams and departments to improve efficiency. However, command and control structures respond too slowly to the rate of change needed in a rapidly evolving software ecosystem.

A powerful alternative to this is to create empowered teams, delegating responsibility to the people that can respond the quickest to the customers’ feedback. However, if a team identifies improvements that impact the way other teams work, they do not have the mandate to force those teams to make any changes. This is where the need for good relationships with your stakeholders comes into play. What I mean here is the existence of personal relationships between the team leads, and that can and usually does take time to cultivate. Ideally, you want to start developing these types of relationships from Day 1, because being Agile is about being able to continuously adapt to your customers’ needs, and you will need to work closely with other teams to make that happen on a continuous basis.

This then is the reason then why Agile tools and processes are gradually abandoned, not because the are not useful, but because teams become disillusioned when all of the efforts to improve their team’s velocity, lead time and quality are erased by another team’s inefficiency. Improving the efficiency of another team can only be done when a good relationship exists between the teams — there must be a sense of trust between the teams because changing how they work requires that they trust that the changes are for the good of the company and not only for the good of another team. Failing that, it is good to have a fallback plan: escalation. And if you hope that your manager can help solve the problem instead then you should also work to have a good relationship with them too.

In summary, software organisations must continuously adapt to their customer’s needs in order to win, and I have shown that managers must foster a culture that focuses on individuals and interactions to do so. Agile tools and processes will help individual teams improve their efficiency, but personal relationships will allow organisations with empowered teams to effect even greater improvements across domains of responsibility. Or to put it more concisely:

Individuals and interactions over Agile processes and tools

Agile and well-being

I recently read an article about how to help someone get back to work after a long absence, perhaps due to illness or burnout. There was lots of good advice, such as keeping colleagues informed about adjustments to working hours and limiting responsibilities among others things. But what struck me was how a lot of the advice reminded me of the Agile way of working:

  • create clearly defined tasks
  • allow space to work on one thing at a time
  • provide support with prioritising
  • do not set short deadlines
  • set a clear plan for the week and a review at the end of the week
  • ensure delegation of tasks is done via a single channel

This could be from the Kanban playbook. To put it in Agile terms:

  • Tasks should have a clear definition of done
  • Developers should pull tasks, not have them pre-assigned
  • The Product Owner prioritises all work
  • Focus on outcomes not deadlines
  • Set clear goals and use daily stand-ups to ensure progress
  • Nobody outside the team can assign work to the developers

So you could say that creating flow does not just improve the team’s efficiency, it also contributes to the continued well-being of your employees.


I use the INVEST criteria to help teams define good User Stories. This would normally be sufficient to get any one story into production, but in the case of a new feature (or MVP) this has frustratingly not been enough; the stories just pile up in a feature branch until the team feel there is enough of them to deliver real value to the customer.

I have discussed with the teams how they can enlist the help of alpha and beta testers to get early feedback on new features that are not functionally complete. Here I add that the feature should still possess conceptual integrity. For instance, the first story in the feature might just allow the customer to to log in and log out. This does not deliver any real value to the customer, but it is testable, and it possesses conceptual integrity.

There are some obvious signs when this early testing doesn’t happen: the team hasn’t released anything for a month or two, the stories have been piling up in the Done column, and the PO is feeling a bit stressed. In these situations, the coach can ask the team:

What is stopping the team releasing something tomorrow to customers, friendly or otherwise?

This always starts an interesting discussion and the team usually identifies a (short) list of things to do to get the unfinished feature in front of some friendly customers. This gives the team a much-needed feeling of achievement, but more importantly they can start getting real feedback on the new feature.

This is a win for the coach, but it is still a reactive process. How can I make this a proactive part of the software delivery process? What I want is to encourage the team to really think about their Definition of Done much earlier. What I am hoping for is that the team will set a goal that goes something like this:

The stories the team prepare during backlog refinement must be delivered to customers (internal users, early adopters, etc.) as soon as each story is finished.

So from now on I will include “delivery” in my discussions with the teams by extending the definition of the criteria for a good User Story: Independent, Negotiable, Valuable, Estimable, Small, Testable and Deliverable; or INVESTeD for short.

This builds on a definition that is already familiar to the teams and so it will be natural to think about how to meet this criteria right from the start.

Delivering early

“Our highest priority is to satisfy the customer through early and continuous delivery of valuable software.”

The Agile Manifesto

When I am working with cross-functional development teams, I use the storyboarding technique to help the team break down their work. This usually involves identifying an MVP and creating a prioritised backlog. I also encourage the team to use the INVEST criteria to create good quality stories. So far so good.

What happens next is that the team start development with the goal of delivering the MVP to customers. The problem is that the MVP is still a finished product that usually contains many stories (i.e. several weeks of work) and there is little or no customer collaboration once the concept phase is over and development starts.

Delivering an unfinished MVP is often not considered valuable for customers, but it should always considered valuable for the development team, because getting feedback is critical to building the right thing. There are three major obstacles to making this happen.

Lack of alpha/beta users

Even the very earliest releases of an MVP (e.g. “Hello world”) can be delivered, it is just a matter of a matter of defining who the customer is and setting the right expectations. These can be real customers that are willing to test features under development in return for some discount later, or else they can be people in the organisation (but not the team) that are interested in the success of the product; stakeholders are good candidates for example.

The team of course should continue to do demos of the product, both within the team and the organisation, but this should not be used as a substitute for hands-on customer testing.

Packaging unfinished features

Ideally, each story adds some piece of value while maintaining the conceptual integrity of the product. In other words, the customer should still always have a good user experience, and can readily distinguish limited functionality from buggy software. This is extremely important because what the developers are interested in is valuable feedback.

If the developers do not package the story in a good way, leaving broken links etc., then it will end up wasting the time of the customers and the developers. It also affects customer engagement negatively; customers want to know that the developers treat their time as valuable. Customers are also less likely to test exhaustively if they know that some things are broken (they just don’t know which ones).

Overhead of intermediate releases

“Deliver working software frequently” is one of the principles of the Agile Manifesto. Automating the release/deployment process is essential to achieving this. The harder it is to make releases, the less frequently the team will want to make them. And in the case of unfinished features this is only going to be more so, if at all.

Overcoming inertia

The combination of these three obstacles can create a huge inertia in teams to make early releases. So is it worth the hassle of making early releases? The answer must be yes. Making frequent releases is an essential tool of any Agile team regardless of whether they are delivering an MVP or incrementally improving an existing product.

Packaging the unfinished feature is also good developer practice, after all, who knows when time or money will run out? (“Responding to change over following a plan”).

Utilising alpha/beta testers outside the team is also a good way to create visibility for stakeholders who have a natural incentive to see the end result first-hand. Also, delivering what you’ve done so far is always much better than wasting time giving estimates (“Working software is the primary measure of progress”).

Technical debt vs. Maintenance debt

Agile software development is about adapting to change, about continuously learning what the customer wants. The team breaks down the solution into small pieces, delivering working software in every iteration that the customer can evaluate and give feedback on. In order to be able to learn faster, the initial releases may sacrifice best practice (in a controlled way), for example, a lack of abstraction, using tightly-coupled modules, hard-coded values, a crude data model, etc. In extreme cases, the developers “build one to throw away” (Fred Brooks). These are all forms of Technical debt (as Ward Cunningham defined the term); deliberate shortcuts in the implementation that we then remove when our understanding has improved.

The key point is that this is a debt that has to be paid back as soon as possible; a short-term loan if you will. Ward describes repaying the debt as using the experience gained from customer feedback to refactor the code to reflect the team’s new understanding of the problem. This chimes well with what Fred Brooks describes as maintaining the Conceptual Integrity of the product. Martin Fowler describes this as Prudent Deliberate debt. Henrik Kniberg calls it Good Technical Debt.

Unfortunately, the world is not perfect and Technical debt is not always repaid (in full). This results in the phenomenon of software entropy; the gradual disorder that arises as the code is modified over time. Martin describes the ways the team can default on their debt in his Technical Debt Quadrant: Reckless Deliberate debt will have to be postponed, and some or all Inadvertent debt will be discovered too late to do anything about within the timeframe of the project. Henrik calls this Bad Technical Debt.

This unpaid Technical Debt now becomes added to the long-term maintenance backlog of the product. This backlog also includes work that results from advances in technology and the deprecation or obsolescence of existing technologies, amongst other things. Meaning, even if we could develop the best possible solution using state-of-the art technologies today, we would still incur debt in the long-term because of obsolescence. This is a long-term loan that must also be repaid as we develop new features.

This long-term debt has also, confusingly, become labelled as Technical debt, a result of semantic diffusion. Uncle Bob addresses this in A Mess is not Technical Debt. This unclear distinction is understandable: from the point-of-view of the Product Owner who is trying to deliver a new feature, it makes no difference if the debt is short-term or long-term, it still has to be paid whether it was incurred as part of the project or as a result of longer-term software entropy or (for example) obsolescence. However, I would argue that Technical Debt is contracted debt, debt that the PO and development team have agreed on incurring as part of the learning process. In that case, long-term debt could be seen as a form of implicit rent.

What can we call this phenomenon of long-term debt? Let’s look at what constitutes it:

  • Obsolescence: new versions or EOL for third-party software, engineering competence not available, etc.
  • Paradigm shifts that reduce accidental complexity (Fred Brooks, The Mythical Man-Month) (or more intuitively called “incidental complexity”), e.g. Garbage collection
  • Software entropy (Unpaid Technical debt): a lot of Reckless Deliberate debt, nearly all Inadvertent technical debt (frequently labelled incorrectly as “accidental complexity”).

All these phenomena affect the viability or vitality of the software solution, in other words we are talking about the technical durability of the solution. If nothing is done we will reach an inflection point (debt ceiling) where it costs too much to develop new features in the existing solution and a fresh start will be needed. Perhaps an appropriate name for all this long-term debt is simply Maintenance Debt.

As Martin wrote, it is the usefulness of these terms that is relevant. We want to distinguish between the Prudent deliberate debt incurred by the project and everything else that requires maintenance. By naming the longer-term debt as Maintenance Debt we can return Technical debt to its original definition: a short-term debt that is deliberately incurred within the context of the project, and which is budgeted for.

In contrast, Maintenance debt encompasses long-term debt which the team have little control over, may or may not be part of any feature development and most likely has not been budgeted for.

An introduction to Agile

In this article I will discuss how to get started with Agile in the most hands-on way possible, with no discussion of frameworks and methodologies. I believe it is important to understand the essence of Agile first, as it is easy to be overwhelmed with all of the techniques and tools that have evolved from it (Scrum, XP, SAFe, etc.).

The goal then is to create an iterative software development process that can be improved upon continuously. The only tool you are going to need is a stack of post-its and some wall space or a whiteboard where the team can work together.

Start small, which means starting at the team level. Learning to work in an Agile way will also require some experimentation as every team works differently. The point being that you will need to create some slack in the team’s schedule if you want to change the way they work. Finally, you or the team lead will take on the roll of Agile Team Coach.

I should also mention that there’s lots of help out there: blogs, forums and books. One excellent resource is the Agile and Lean Software Development Group on LinkedIn. Now let’s get started!

Step 1: Visualisation

First the team should start by visualising the their work, this is especially true in software development which by nature is very abstract. By visualisation, I am not referring to traditional documentation which tries to capture an entire scope such as requirements or test cases. What you want to visualise here is what the team is doing right now. For this you use post-its. Every team member writes down what they are working on, big or small, together with their initials in the corner, and sticks it onto a whiteboard or wall.

Now the team have an opportunity to discuss the work, make adjustments, add or remove post-its. The team can try to group related activities for instance. Spend about 5-10 minutes at this, no more; just enough time to smooth out the rough edges.

Step 2: Create flow

The next thing the team need to consider is what the definition of “Done” is for each post-it note. By “Done” we mean that the team is finished with the work item; it could be putting software in production, writing a manual, upgrading a database, etc. In reality, a lot of teams starting out with Agile do not have a clear definition of Done for their work items, so don’t sweat it too much yet. Fixing this will be part of the improvement process mentioned later on.

Create three columns on the whiteboard or wall and label them: Backlog, Doing, Done. Now each team member places each of their Post-its into one of the three columns. Finished? Great! You have now created your first Kanban board. (Here we introduce the most elementary and useful of Agile tools, the Kanban Board.)

So now the team has visualised their work and created a flow of work from left to right on the board. Congratulations!

Step 3: Reflection

The whole exercise above shouldn’t take more than an hour for a team of 10 people. Stand back and take a look at it. It may be obvious that some items on the board have unclear scope and some items are very large (or small). We’ll come back to these issues later.

One final exercise, sum the number of post-its in the Backlog and Doing columns and divide them by the number of members on the team. This will give you some indication of how much multitasking is going on and how much overhead is being created due to context-switching.

Step 4: Focusing on the goal

OK, the team have taken the important first steps in becoming Agile. And they will continue taking small steps, applying well-proven techniques that will improve the flow of work. But let’s discuss the goal; where is the team trying to get to? In the book The Phoenix Project, Bill is inspired by Lean manufacturing techniques used on production lines. Bill’s goal becomes the creation of a factory production line for his IT Department. As stated in Agile Principle #8:

Agile processes promote sustainable development. The sponsors, developers, and users should be able to maintain a constant pace indefinitely.

In other words the team shall create a process that they can reuse to build whatever software solutions the organisation or customers need now and in the future. The team can now take their new Kanban board and visualised work flow and use it to build a software factory!

Step 5: Breaking down the work

In our first iteration the team’s work items had unclear scope and different sizes. The team should deal with the scope problems first. This can be solved by breaking these work items into smaller items, each with a clear definition of “Done”.  Spend 1-2 hours on this step, starting with the most important work items.

A classic problem is that a work item involves input from people outside the team. The Kanban board should not contain items that are assigned to “outsiders”. If this external work is a prerequisite for completing a team work item, then it should be added as a dependency to a team work item only. It is essential that the team have control over the work items on their board, even if they are currently blocked by external dependencies. The Kanban board should be used to focus on the team’s work!

Sizing of work items is about creating items that are of roughly equal size. As a rule-of-thumb, a work item should take about 2-3 days to complete, up to a maximum of two weeks. There are techniques for standardising work sizes, but for now I recommend a simple consensus from the team on whether an item is large or small or somewhere in between. Remember, if the definition of “Done” is software in production, then this must include coding, testing, etc.

In the worse case, a work item is so badly scoped and sized that it may not be possible to continue working on it in its current state and some more analysis (of requirements or architecture) is needed. If work stops altogether on such items then it should be moved into the backlog. This is one of the hardest things to do in Agile, but really knowing when a work item is ready for execution is one of the great benefits Agile brings.

A clear definition of Done for each item together with creating items of roughly equal size will build team confidence. By breaking down work items into smaller chunks and visualising them on the Kanban board it becomes possible for every team member (and stakeholders!) to understand what the team is going to deliver. And getting items to Done will make everyone happy.

Step 6: Limiting Work in process (WIP)

At this point the team have broken down the work into similar size chunks and this probably means that there are many more post-its on the board. (There are many tools available for creating digital Kanban boards, but this is still a low priority for now; wait 2-4 weeks before taking that step.) What the team needs to focus on next is WIP. This exercise should take about 30-60 minutes.

Earlier the team calculated how many work items were being done per team member. Ideally, each team member should be working on one item at a time, i.e. sequentially; so for a team of 10, the number of work items in the “Doing” column would be 10. In practice the figure is higher and the team need to think about what that number is.

In Agile terms, we are talking about the team capacity. We use this figure to set a work in progress (or process) limit (WIP limit). In other words, the team cannot start a new work item until they have finished a work item that is already in progress (unless an item is blocked). Remember, the team have a clear definition of Done for every work item, so they are supposed to be able to complete them before starting something new.

WIP limits are extremely important in creating flow. It follows that if the team tries to complete 20 work items at the same time it will take twice as long as if they were working on just 10 items.

For now, there is just one column with work in progress (“Doing”). The team should try to estimate how many man-days of work is in that column. Anything more than 30-40 days (3-4 days x 10 people) worth of work should be moved to the Backlog, and this means prioritising what needs to get done first. Prioritising is the responsibility of the Product Owner or Business Manager responsible for the product being developed, so naturally they need to be involved. Agile creates visibility for both the team and stakeholders!

Step 7: Daily stand-ups

Book 10-15 minutes with the team every morning for a stand-up in front of the Kanban board to discuss the day’s activities. The stand-up is for the team only, but guests can be invited on occasion. Longer discussions should be saved for break-out sessions with those involved. The focus of the stand-up is to make sure everybody knows what they are doing, if there are any blockers that need to be escalated, and to check that the Kanban board is up-to-date.

In case it’s not obvious, the Kanban board has now become the most important tool the team have for organising and visualising their work. Well done!


The team have made great progress! They have managed to visualise their work, create flow, size their work items and limit their work in progress. This demonstrates the concept of Continuous Improvement (“Kaizan“) as preached in Lean manufacturing, meaning that the team are constantly looking for ways to improve the flow of work.

In Agile we use Retrospectives to specifically discuss how well the flow of work is, well, working. All the team are involved in suggesting improvements, and then some or all of the team are responsible for implementing at least one improvement right away. Process automation (e.g. test automation) is a classic example of improving flow.

There are many, many other techniques that are used as part of Agile such as User Stories, Storyboarding, Minimum Viable Products (MVPs), backlog refinement and measuring velocity to create an iterative software development process. Scrum is a subject onto itself. But these are topics for another article.

Further reading

I highly recommend the following books:

  • The Phoenix Project by Gene Kim
  • User Story Mapping by Jeff Patton
  • Lean from the trenches by Henrik Kniberg
  • Accelerate by Nicole Forsgren, Jez Humble and Gene Kim

The Delivery Storyboard

Storyboarding, or user story mapping, as described by Jeff Patton, is a central part of our Agile development process. We use it whenever we are doing feature discovery and it helps us structure our ideas without constraining the discussion. A lot of what we do involves integrations with other team’s deliveries, usually two or more systems need to interact and will use a service layer as a communication broker, SOA in a nutshell.

Our team’s definition of Done is getting stuff into production. We do that quite well because we only put stuff in our backlog that we can deliver, our dependencies are managed elsewhere, usually on the backlog of the team we are dependent on.

But when it comes time to deliver the complete solution there are a lot of moving parts to keep track of and one of my roles is to coordinate amongst the teams and make sure that each team knows what actions they need to take in order for the roll-out of the entire solution to be successful. Often this process takes weeks to complete because there can be data migrations, third-party upgrades, etc. My primary focus is the order things need to happen in, and which things involve more than one team to make it work. Optimising the schedule of events comes after.

I immediately found it natural to extend user story mapping to planning product roll-outs. This gives us all the benefits of visualisation and discovery that happen when we do product discovery. All the teams can see how the roll-out will be done and where everyone is involved. I call this a Delivery Storyboard. The Delivery Storyboard is completely separate from the User Storyboard we use for product discovery.

The delivery storyboard features a backbone (blue post-its) and describes a flow from left-to-right as usual. The flow in this case is the flow of execution of the activities needed to complete the roll-out. Each backbone activity is broken down into tasks (yellow post-its) that are placed underneath. An example of a task could be “Deploy component X to server” or “Import data file to System A”.

Now for the cool part. Each column is independent of every other column, whereas everything in the column has to be executed more or less at the same time. In other words, we focus on executing all the tasks in one column until completion. The next column can be executed an arbitrary time later, but then all of the tasks in that column must be executed together as well. Repeat the process until the last column is executed and the roll-out is complete.

When all the tasks in any column are completed, the production environment should be left in a stable state and not dependent on other tasks in other columns for the time being. The challenge then is creating an execution flow that is flexible and does not have dependencies or hard time limits between the tasks in one column and the tasks in the next. Of course this can’t always be avoided, but one of the goals here is to visualise these types of constraints!

Another problem I have encountered is that some tasks in the middle of the flow need to be (or can be) executed first. Either the columns need to be reordered or, the storyboard is trying to meet more than one goal. In the later case, try writing down the original goal on a post-it and see if all of the tasks on the board are needed for that goal. Then write another goal on another post-it for the remaining tasks and so-on. Each goal then deserves its own storyboard (big or small). This mirrors the concept of MVP (Minimum Viable Product) that Jeff Patton describes in his excellent book User Story Mapping.

And as always, regular stand-ups with all the teams involved, usually one representative from each team if there are many teams. Depending on where in the execution flow the roll-out is, not everyone needs to be at every stand-up. The teams walk through the delivery process, breaking down the work into concrete activities with clear responsibilities.

Each task is the responsibility of a specific team, and every task is tagged with a coloured sticker to indicate the team responsible. During product development, tasks, user stories, etc. are usually maintained in the team’s product backlog and this may still be so for some of the tasks on the Delivery Storyboard, but now they are duplicated here because we want to visualise dependencies to other teams, and where they will feature in the roll-out plan. If they have a JIRA issue number then write that on the post-it too.

A column with tasks that have different colour tags visually indicates where teams need to coordinate closely. That is pretty neat. Participants in the stand-ups can talk to each other about how they should collaborate to get the backbone item delivered successfully. During storyboarding sessions with the teams we can easily reorganise the tasks to minimise risk, reduce lead time and reduce downtime. The tasks in the column can also be ordered top-down to indicate the order of execution if meaningful.

When a task is completed you should mark it somehow, for example crossing it out using a green marker. This provides a visual cue to focus on the remaining tasks as well as green being a positive colour.

The Delivery Storyboard can be complemented with dates concerning when certain columns and/or tasks are to be executed which is useful for planning to meet deadlines. However, the main focus is on the sequence of events, who-does-what and where do teams need to coordinate their deliveries. Finally, the board should contains only tasks that will be executed, hopefully we are not doing product discovery at this late stage.